Saturday, April 5, 2008

Daddy and Brendyn Chasing the Ducks at Lake Las Vegas!! Goofy Run! :)


Neal said...

That is the funniest thing ever!!!! are my HERO:)
I watched that clip like 3 times in a row and i'm laughing my big butt off!!! ROFL:)

Sarah Rockwood said...

Man we miss you guys. I wished you lived out here! I can't wait to see you in July. That place you are at is kinda pretty, you'll have to take us there next time. Next time will be a ways away considering we have to drive and aren't looking forward to that at all.

Karrie Green said...

Hey there we found your blog and added you to our friends list. I absolutly love blogs!

Megs said...

Hi guys looks like jonny is still running around like he does. i need you guys to send me an invite to my email.


Unknown said...

I didn't know you had a blog! Yay, I love blogging =) Dad's are so cute with their little babies! It's gotta be so fun to be a little kid swished around and flipped around by your big goofy dad =)