Monday, February 9, 2009

Potty Time

John and I decided we were going to take a Saturday and coax Brendyn to the potty every 20-30 min just to see if he was ready to be potty trained. I figured we would never know until we tried. After John diligently took Brendyn to the potty every few minutes and after a few accidents on the floor, he finally went on the potty. The whole time I was thinking I don't know if I am ready for this. Probably because I know I will be the one primarily home with our little stinker and the bulk of the potty training would fall on me.(yes I get lazy every time I think about taking him to the potty every 20 minutes). I figured it would be better now then if we waited until we have another kid. Well anyway, Brendyn did great last weekend! On Saturday he went pee pee a little when John was with him. I think he only went a little because John scared him with his excitement. After church on Sunday I figured I would keep with it. So every time I put him on the potty he would go more and more. In fact he even went poo poo...ok maybe it was a little tiny tiny poop but it was a good start. Now I just have to train myself to be consistent if I want this to work.


Neal said...

C'mon...I know you guys made him smile while sitting there:) in 15 years don't let him know you put this picture on your blog...he'll go postal. LOL
Way to go Brendyn!!!! So the next time I babysit the little bugger...he'll be potty trained right? ;)

Jen said...

Good Job Brendyn.

Definately stay consistant. I haven't been very consistant with Lauren and if I would be she would be fully potty trained by now.

Megs said...

I hear potty training boys is the hardest. Way to go with getting him started.

Anonymous said...

Aaahhh...the potty training! I was the same way with Hannah. It's really us mommies that have to be potty trained! It's daunting, but when your diaper bill is cut in fourths- you'll be smiling!!! good luck!

Sarah Rockwood said...

good luck with that one. I am having a nightmare with Robyn and she is 2 1/2. said...

be very consistent trust me....its hard but it's worth it! Grats guys, you are amazing and such a great couple love you both.

Anonymous said...

Aaaw! He's too cute.... Can't wait to see you guys!! Love you all. Belated happy birthday grandpa :) --- kim