Friday, May 22, 2009


Ashley surprised me with a trip to my mission area and a very romantic city...SAN FRANCISCO! What I thought was a 3 day mandatory work training was the best surprise I've ever had. She had coordinated everything with my boss and my meeting with my calling. My thoughts were "Whatever! How are we going to afford a trip like this?!" She saved all her baby sitting money and found the best deals in the last few months in planning. I AM THE LUCKIEST MAN! I haven't gone back since my mission and it’s been 7 years. THE BEST SUPRISE I COULD HAVE EVER RECIEVED!

My 1st Mission apartment.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Outcome of sleeping in a Big Boy Bed!

Here is the out come of Brendyn sleeping in a big boy bed for the first time. I went to check on him around 8:00a.m. and he must of rolled out of bed... Poor guy! My barricade of pillows didn't work i guess. I think for now we are going to stick with the crib until we absolutely have too.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

First Time in a Big Boy Bed!!

Brendyn is trying out a big boy bed tonight. My sister is getting ready to move in so they put their toddler bed in Brendyn's room. The last couple of days he has really enjoyed jumping on this new bed in his room. After we knelt down to say Brendyn's prayer he laid his head down on the bed and acted like he was going to sleep. So I figured I would give him his pillow and blanket, turn off the lights and walk out. I was thinking any second he is going to come running into our room. I waited and waited thinking ok he is probably getting into something because he is way too quite. I went to check on him and wallaa!!! He was sleeping!!! I guess we will see what happens tomorrow when he wakes up. I've always figured why take them out of their cribs until you can't keep them in it anymore...but hey if it's this easy then way not. ;)

Friday, May 8, 2009

To My Wife & Baby's Mamma

Brendyn and I just want everyone to know that Ashley is the most beautiful and companionate mother. She works really hard every day to raise and take care of us...her boys. Ashley makes our home a Home by her tenderness. There are days that I come home and despite the hard day she had, still will have dinner ready and house cleaned. She is very good at teaching Brendyn new things and how to be polite. Daddy teaches him to give a mean football face while flexing his muscles. (: She lights up our home with her strong spirit, always showing Christ like love. We Adore and Love are Mamma! MUAH